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Portofolio Page

By : Muhammad Nabil Nur Adha

I live by the wise words of Ernest Hemingway: "for a true writer each (work) should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment.” I put everything I have into each piece I work on and - whether it be commercial, artistic, marketing, or journalistic - I give it my all. Explore my portfolio and if you’d like to learn more about my body of work, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Past Projects and Creation

Collection of my writing works

I look to the world around me for fresh inspiration, and each project I work on is a unique and fulfilling experience. With years of experience and love of the written word, I am able to adapt my writing style to suit the needs of my client, whatever the industry and project type, without losing my artistic voice. I invite you to peruse a selection of my most recent work.

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Whio, Bebek biru indikator kesehatan lingkungan

September, 2018

Seekor bebek yang terlihat biasa ini, memiliki dampak dan pengaruh yang luar biasa terhadap lingkungan ekosistem sekitar. mengapa demikian? Mari kita kenal si biru ini lebih jauh!

[Sharing Cerita] Selandia Baru , Surga yang terbentang di Bumi Pertiwi

September, 2018

Masih ingatkah kita dengan Film trilogy terkenal LORD OF THE RING??  Film epic fantasy garapan sutradara Peter Jackson  yang diangkat dari novel karangan J. R. R. Tolkien ? Film tersebut berhasil memenangkan 11 piala dari 11 nominasi dalam ajang Academy Awards 2003.

Tapi tahukah teman2 dimana lokasi syuting Film tsb ? Yang jelas bukan di Hollywood tapi di negara bernama New Zealand atau Selandia Baru!

Mari Mengenal: Suku Maori, Penduduk Asli Selandia Baru

September, 2018

Pernahkah kalian mendengar nama Suku Maori? Apakah mereka suku yang menyeramkan?

Yuk Kenali Kebiasaan dan Budaya mereka!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them my way—I thrive on constructive criticism.

"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."

E. L. Doctorow

Working from Home
Home: Quote


Thank you for reviewing my Writer Portfolio. Please get in touch to find out more.

Jl. H. Amat, Kukusan, Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16425


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